
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tiger Woods is the New OJ...But Not For "THAT" Reason

General Motors. General Mills. Nike. American Express. Gatorade.

These are just a few of the high-profile companies that are endorsed by Tiger Woods. Not only is he the richest athelete in the world, he is also one of the most marketable.

At least until he crashed his car that night. Now the advertisers are pulling his ads and dropping him like a bad habit because of the crash investigation and alleged "transgressions" (in Tiger's own words).

The same could have been said about OJ Simpson, who @ the height of his career was a high-profile spokesman for Hertz rental car company, Pioneer Chicken, Honeybaked Hams, the pX Corporation, the Calistoga Water Company's line of Napa Naturals soft drinks. He was at the height of his popularity and just off a Hall-of-Fame NFL career when he was charged with the double homicide of his ex-wife and her friend.

Although Tiger has not committed murder, he has played this situation BADLY. First of all, he should have taken the responsibilty and owned up to his wrongdoing instead of hiding while it only gets worse. All of his alleged "mistresses" have been coming out of the woodwork trying to cash in on their affairs with him. The only one that is being smart about it is the 1st one, Rachel Uchitel, who lawyered-up real quick and has since been paid some "hush money" from Woods, which is more than the others will get from talking.

His "squeaky-clean' image is all but shattered because of this, and people are never going to look at him in the same light. Of course he will continue to be a great golfer, but he will never get his image of a family man back, especially since it is so many "alleged" mistresses. We thought that we knew Tiger Woods, and this situation along with OJ's, shows that we didn't.

I watched videos of people's reactions and opinions during the "trial of the century", and some people felt that the OJ that they knew would never do something like that. Apparently, that is what we thought of Woods too...That he would NEVER do something like this.

But guess what; WE WERE WRONG. I think that his celebrity had brought a sense of makes him forfeit his personal life and privacy, even though I feel that everyone makes mistakes, he is a BIG part of our culture, especially in sports, and people are gonna have an interest in this, especially if it is SO JUICY ;-)

When I heard that Tiger Woods was in the hosptial in serious condition, I remember saying a little prayer, thinking that we might lose one of the most popular black atheletes ever. I am not a golf fan, but I will watch if Tiger is in it. That's why it shocked me to learn that he might be slipping away.

And then...came...the DRAMA!!!!! I knew EXACTLY what happened after I heard that he had been arguing with his wife over an alleged affair and all he got from his car crashing into a TREE was some "facial lacerations". I knew right then that Ms. Elin had either slapped him in the mouth or punched him in the jaw. (We don't know what Mrs. Woods is like so we cannot say whether she did or not but that's what I thought happened).

Tiger needs to just MAN UP and take responsibility, before he loses his wife, his endorsements (90% of his total income comes from ads), and his already tarnished image.

Does this look familiar???

How Did Someone Uninvited Get This Close To Obama???

Michaele and Tareq Salahi played "crashers" at President Obama's very first State dinner on November 24th as if they were Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn and this was a high-profile wedding.

However, it was not a wedding at all; it was a dinner with Obama and the Indian president at the White House. It wasn't a backyard barbeque or cookout at their house in was the WHITE HOUSE!!!!!

First of all, whoever is responsible for letting uninvited people in should be FIRED!!!!! How could you let two uninvited guests into the White House and let them get up & close with the President of the United States??? What if they were to pose some sort of threat while at the White House? They were allowed to get up close to our President and I hate to think of the possibility that something could have gone wrong or at least a scene could have been made while there.
The Salahis claimed to have received their invitation from someone at the White House via email, but it was found otherwise and I find it hard to believe that the invitation to a State dinner at the White House with the President of the United States would be sent out through email. It is laughable that they have become famous because of this, and not suprising that Michaele is trying to join the cast of the new show, Real Housewives of D.C.

Is this what we are willing to sacrifice for a little bit of fame? They could possibly face criminal charges according to a Secret Service spokesman, and I don't think that breaking the law is a good move just to be on a TV show. I guess her life is not as good without this controversy so she needed to up the ante.

I can't help but think that if Obama was white and the Salahis were black, they would not have made it onto the White House lawn, let alone shake hands with the President. This might be the wrong way of looking at it, but I feel as though Bush had a little bit better security...@ least at the White House.

By the way, I don't think that it was smart to try to sneak in ANYWHERE with that UGLY dress on...I'm just saying :-(

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Coming Back Soon...

Hey everybody!!!

Sorry I haven't been writing any posts lately. I have been SOOOO busy with school this semester. Hopefully, I will have a 4.0 to show that the HARD work paid off :-)

I do realize that I have followers and I appreciate all of you who log on to read this blog.

I am starting back writing posts this weekend so hopefully you can take the time to read it.

Thanks again to all of my followers and SEE YOU SOON!!!!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Why Did I Get Married Too??? Trailer

I cannot wait to see the sequel to the Tyler Perry hit, "Why Did I Get Married?", which was by FAR my favorite movie of his. I think that he tapped into a unspoken dynamic of black love, and the problems that black couples go through in everyday life.

This trailer has me SOOOOO excited to see this movie, and I feel like this is going to be Tyler Perry's best work yet...& will make some of his naysayers realize his genius as a playwright and filmmaker. It hits theaters April 2nd.

No More Apologies Needed From Chris Brown

Last week, Chris Brown also came forward (again) to speak on the incident with Rihanna in February (again).

Honestly, I feel that people have already made up their minds about the situation. If they are gonna continue to support Chris Brown, they will and if they won't, they won't. There is no further apology needed because people have such strong feelings about the situation and some people feel like he is giving excuses.

I do like the fact that he has taken responsibility for the incident and it seems that he is working on his internal problems that he may have. He has been doing the court-ordered community service and been attending anger management classes. However, I do feel like he is going OVERBOARD on the interview tip. He needs to just sit down and finish his album, and try to hold onto the little bit of fans that he has left (like ME).

I think that all he needs is to get back to producing music and work on repairing his image, but I don't mean going on TV every chance that he gets (i.e. John Gosselin). For me, as long as he makes good music and keeps a low profile from a legal standpoint, he should be fine and get some of his fans back. However, I do think that it is gonna take some SERIOUS time for that to happen.
This interview might be a way to tell his side and how he has changed, but it is also TOO convenient that his album also has an upcoming release on December 8th.

Rihanna Should Take More Responsibility

Rihanna recently spoke out to Diane Sawyer on 20/20 about the incident between her and Chris Brown last February.

First of all, I do not condone domestic violence of any kind. Like Oprah said, "Love doesn't hurt", but I do feel that Rihanna was a little bit arrogant in the interview, and didn't take responsibility for her part in the incident. I do feel that she was well spoken and I commend her for being able to talk about it so openly now, but I think that she was holding back a little bit and took some jabs @ Chris Brown that were unnecessary. She used the interview to be a positive example to women in her same situation, and instead she tried to make it seem that she was 0% responsible.

She admitted that they were very much in love, and being in love with her best friend made them "EQUALLY dangerous for each other. It was a bit of an obsession". That comment made me feel some kinda way IMMEDIATELY. In my eyes, it was a confession that she was infatuated with Chris, and it probably led to some suspect behavior. Maybe she was possessive towards him or maybe she was just aggravating, but that is just as big of a factor as the domestic violence of both of their pasts is. She held back to me in the fact that she should have taken more responsibility for the situation. To not take that responsibility and be able to admit her involvement in the incident made me look at her in a different way.

“I caught him in a lie. And he wouldn’t tell the truth … I was being more annoyed at that point in our relationship he had to lie about something so stupid. I couldn’t take that he kept lying to me. And he couldn’t take that I wouldn’t drop it. And … it was ugly.

Another thing that made me upset was the fact that she said that she was humiliated because of the photo that was taken by police and leaked to the press. I cannot put myself in her situation and say what I would have said or that I would not be ashamed, but I feel that she should use it to help other girls who are being abused and do not know what to do. You cannot control who you fall in love with, and you also cannot control that person's actions. She should have made this situation better for other girls and women and used herself as an example for them to help them get away from their situations.

She began to explain how she realized that she was in influence for young girls and she was being selfish for choosing love instead of the right thing, but she made it about her instead of leaving with the message of hope for the young girls.

I also thought that it was a little too BIG of a coincidence that her new album, Rated R is set to be released November 20th.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The World Hates America...NOT Obama!!!!!

When Chicago was picked as a finalist for the 2016 Olympics, the city and America as a whole wanted to make the best impression possible and the best case to bring the summer games there in 2016. They pulled out all of the stops, and even played their two BIGGEST cards that they had...the BIG O's.

President Obama and Oprah Winfrey; with these two in your corner, who could you LOSE??? Apparently, very easily. Chicago was the 1st city to be eliminated in the finalist judging, even after President Obama and 1st Lady Michelle Obama flew all the way to Copenhagen, Denmark to support the bid.

Of course, the Obama haters made a BIG deal about his high enthusiasm and involvement in the Olympic bid, and criticized that he has more important things going on in his own country than to be "globetrotting" on the behalf of one city.

While this is true, with the wavering support for healthcare reform and the ecomony in ruins, I do not think that Chicago was not going to win the bid in the 1st place. With its reputation for violence, only made stronger by the death of 16-year-old Derrion Albert in the middle of a Chicago street, and its location in one of the coldest parts of the country, the Olympic committee probably looked at ALL of the pros and cons for each city, and the bad must have outweighed the good.

Not to mention the world's current mindset that America is the enemy! It is no secret that the entire world hates the United States, for their own various reason. Whether it is war and the economy, the world thinks that America has a superiority complex and think that they are better than them. In every category, America is a gluttonous and greedy super-bully in the eyes on the rest of the world. They take more than they need and that is why we are the fattest and greediest countries in the world.

I'm not mad @ the Olympic committee for picking Rio de Janeiro for the 2016 games. White sandy beaches & clear blue water would have made my decision easier too. The Olympic Village is probably gonna be on the beach somewhere, & I can't be mad at that, especially since the games are in the summer time...that is a major WIN!!!!!

Obama Won the Nobel Peace Prize...GET OVER IT!!!!!

On October 9th, the Nobel committee chose President Barack Obama to be the recipient of the 2009 Nobel Peace prize. He said that

he was suprised and humbled by the award and even that he didn't feel convinced that he deserved it.

Almost immediately, the Obama "haters" questioned why he won & said that he should be focusing on more important things like healthcare and the War in Iraq, other than than winning a prize. Some people even asked why he won a "Peace" prize when his country is at war.

Even though that is true, it still should not take away from this acheivement that has been bestowed upon our President. I do not like how he felt that he had to play down his own personal acheivement & make it seem that he didn't deserve to be in the company of former winners.

He should be able to enjoy his moment because even though he is the President of the United States, he won this award as an individual and has the right to his accomplishment. Also, the fact that he is being pressured to give the prize money to charity is stupid. Of course it is his choice on how to spend the money, but just like the award is his, the money is his too.

The committee said that he was awarded the prize for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples". One of the 1st things that Obama did as President was attempt to heal foreign relations with the US and strengthen his foreign policy. He met with Japan's Prime Minister in February, and in July met with Palistinian president Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Isreal.

Of course the Obama "haters" think that it is wrong to meet with foreign leaders in the attempt to make things better. I guess they would much rather go to war and see American men & women die so that they can say that they are better...smh :-(

Thursday, September 17, 2009

People Forgot That Serena Was From Compton

I am a BIG Serena Williams fan & I think that she is a successful black woman who is a positive role model for young women...

That being said, I thought that it was HILARIOUS that Serena went OFF on the line judge @ the US Open after a blatantly wrong call that cost her the match and potentially the championship. People forgot that she is from Compton, California, a city that has a reputation of being one of the most dangerous cities in the United States. Don't let the Nike endorsement fool you...LOL :-)

I admit that she was wrong for blowing up, but I don't really blame her for it because she was in an intense moment of the match where she was trying to come back and win. I think that it was just a display of RAW & intense emotion.

It is also a BIG misconception about what was said by Serena. She did not curse @ all, even though it was bleeped by the broadcasters. She might have threatened her, but I highly doubt that she would carry out any threats in the middle of a match on national TV. I just think that the lady got scared when she saw 5'9"& 150 lbs. of solid angry black woman coming @ her...LOL.

This is nothing new in the world of tennis. John McEnroe used to curse & yell @ line judges and officials all of the time. Even the men's #1 player, Roger Federer, was cursing in the finals match @ the same tournament, but did not get disqualified for it. I don't want to make everything a race or gender issue, but sometimes things like this are so BLATANTLY out of order. SMH :-(

Saturday, September 12, 2009

"Get Your Money Right" Hip Hop Summit

I attended the "Get Your Money Right" Hip Hop Summit @ Greensboro Coliseum today & I had a great time and learned a lot about becoming financially stable. Russell Simmons, MC Lyte, Rosci (from 106&Park), DJ Drama, and a few others were on hand to give their tips about managing money.

I talked to Rocsi and she was more open to questions & conversation that I thought she would be. Russell Simmons left really quick after the event, & I was unable to get a picture with him, but I did get some with DJ Drama & Dr. Ben Chavis, the Co-Chairman of the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network.

I got the chance to talk to MC Lyte, one of the pioneers of hip hop as we know it today. She is a really smart & cool lady, to whom I have dedicated the theme music of the blog.
I asked the question:

What a
dvice would you give to young women who are going out into the workforce and into the real world in general & have goals and dreams that they want to accomplish???

& of course I hit up the RED CARPET :-)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Oregon Unfair in KO Suspension

I do not think that LeGarrette Blount should have lost his ENTIRE senior season just for punching Byron Hout in the game. Despite his previous problems off the field & his actions after the altercation, he should not have been suspended just for the punch, when there are so many other issues in college football & sports in general.

First of all, I do not condone violence in any form @ any time. However, being a former athlete, I understand the craziness that goes on in a game, from the trash-talking to fights to technical fouls or flags. Athletes are in a very volatile state when they are on the playing field, and the slightest thing can tick you off, especially if you are losing.

I understand that the guy from Oregon was talking junk all week about the game and the Boise State players knew about it. I also understand where the Boise State player was coming from in the fact that he wanted to let the other player know who's house it was.

I agree that the Oregon player should have been the bigger man and not retalitated to the comments that the other player was making. However, & this is the BIG "HOWEVER", I do feel like the Boise State player should have used "self control" as well and not thrown salt in the open wound that was the 19-8 loss. We will probably never know exactly what was said by either player, but all I have to say is that if he would not have said WHATEVER he said, he would not have set off the fuse that led to him getting knocked out.

Also, I feel that this is not a race issue but an issue of the meaning and perception of race. I can't help but think that the penalty would have been lighter if he had punched a black player...SORRY :-(

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I Finally See What Beyonce' Sees in Jay-Z

One of life's unanswered questions to me has always been:

Why did Beyonce' marry Jay-Z???

I know that you are "supposed" to marry someone for love and not looks. However, I always wondered what great things the Shawn Carter offered personally, because I have never met. I am a fan of Jay-Z's music, but I never thought of him as FINE.

When he appeared on "Real Time with Bill Maher" on August 28th, he opened my eyes to a whole different side of him. This man who was interviewed , apart from the legendary rapper that I knew, was funny, intelligent, and clever. He made me see him in a completely different light. He was able to make funny jokes & still keep some sort of responsibility to the culture of hip hop.

He made some very intelligent points about the history of hip hop & where it is going, the exploitation of the east coast-west coast rivalry, and music in general. He made a very valid point about how hip hop went from artistic competition to a egotistic and exploitable mess. I agree that it has taken a negative turn because of how people view it as a way to make money as opposed to a form of expression. He said that he has had 10 #1 albums and NO #1 songs because his body of work is better, which is true when you think about the Soulja Boy's of the world have a hit song but that is the only good song on the record.

My favorite part of the interview was when Bill Maher said, "The king of rock & roll is Elvis Presley...the king of pop is Michael Jackson, & the king of hip hop is...". Jay-z cleverly gave the answer, "I guess I need some life insurance." LOL

Jay-Z is one of the greatest...& Blueprint 3 is a GREAT album...go get it NOW!!!!!

Trey Songz is "Ready" for the BIG Time Now...

Trey Songz has arrived!!!!!

After several successful mixtapes were released by the Virginia native, "Ready" is probably his best work on an actual album.

I happen to LOVE him now that he cut his hair, & I must admit that I was suprisingly satisfied with the "Anticipation" mixtape, and the name served its purpose, because I thoroughly anticipated his new release.

I figured that this one would bring the same sexually-charged yet mature tracks as the mixtape, and I was not robbed of that particular content. However, there are some other songs that are worth a listen. Many of the titles speak for themselves.

Immediately, I was hit with "This right here's a panty dropper", from the song of the same name. It is a good intro for the album and if the last line of the song is any indication, someone will "be making babies tonight". The next song, "Neighbors Know My Name", is a slow groove that implies exactly what the title suggests. Songz describes a passionate night where his "female friend" screams his name so loud that the neighbors can here. The same can be said about "I Invented Sex", which features singer/rapper Drake, and Songz makes some pretty blunt remarks about his "skills"...LOL.

The official first single from the album, "I Need A Girl" is creeping up the charts and tells what knid of woman that he is looking for and how he wants a serious monogomous relationship. Also, "One Love" is another more mature song in which he tells a woman that he thinks that she is the one.

Perhaps my favorite song from the album is "Does He Do It", a mid-tempo track where he asks if your man can do it like him. Again, this is one track that shows his confidence about his capabilities in the bedroom. I just love the way that he describes the way that he can love you and then basically says that your man ain't loving you right.

"Say Ahh" is a club-banger type of song that descibes a night at the club and how he tries to get a girl home. "LOL :-)" is not my favorite song from the album, because it features Souljah Boi & Gucci Mane...but anyways the song is catchy after all. Even though I wouldn't want to send any sexy pics through that needs an LOL :-)

"Ready To Make Luv" is sort of like an intro to "Jupiter Love", in which he compares his love experience to that of the largest planet. "Be Where You Are" is a suprising song to me because it is an up-beat dance song but I like how he describes how his dream woman would prepare to go out. "Successful" is the Drake song that he was featured is a haunting beat that carries a deep message of their wants and needs.

"Black Roses" is another one of my favorites, and it was a BIG suprise for me that it was a rock-inspired song with deep lyrics about a break-up. I would hate to get black roses from a guy because that means that the love is "DEAD" :( "Love Lost" reminds me of Michael Jackson's "Human Nature", and he talks about how much ot hurts to not his love in his life anymore and how he took it for granted. Kudos for the Aerosmith reference of their hit, "I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing".

Overall, I think that this is his best album to date, but I have heard some people say that his mixtapes were better. I think that they were too, but if you wanna go by just albums that were released, this is his best. I hope that the excitement for the record shows in the album sales because he deserves his spot in the forefront of R&B music. I enjoyed it & I will be buying it for my car :)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Aaliyah Would Have Been Bigger Than Beyonce'

Tuesday marked the 8th anniversary of the death of R&B Aaliyah. She died on August 25, 2001 in a plane crash in the Bahamas after filming a video for "Rock the Boat". I remember that day very clearly as if it were yesterday, & I was sad when I heard the news because she was one of my favorite singers.

When she died, she was just beginning to gain the overall success that Beyonce' has right now. She had two previous double-platinum albums (Age Ain't Nothing But A Number
in 1994 and One In A Million in 1996), a starring role in a hit movie (Romeo Must Die in 2000), and other projects that she was working on. Her career was on the way up at the time of her death, & I keep thinking about what could have been if she were still alive today. Beyonce' had great success on her 1st solo record, but her popularity carried over from Destiny's Child. Aaliyah started out on her own and she was younger.

She had also won several awards and been nominated for others, including 2 Grammy nominations and more after her death. She won 2 MTV VMA's 2 NAACP Image Awards, 3 American Music Awards, and 4 World Music Awards, including Entertainer of the Year in 1998.

Aaliyah was 14 when she released Age Ain't Nothing But A Number in 1994, and she had released 3 platinum albums when she died at age 22. The potential of what her career could have been is incredible, because she was on the way up.

Her unique style and vocal delivery made her influential in 90's R&B. On top of that, her style in every stage of her career was trend-setting. I remember that I used to want to wear baggy pants and sunglasses to be like her when I was little.

My favorite thing about Aaliyah Dana Haughton was the fact that she carried herself well. She did not succumb to the industry's standard of beauty or what an R&B singer should look or sound like. She was always confortable with herself, but was still able to change it up in order to appeal to a larger audience.

R.I.P. Aaliyah Dana Haughton (January 16, 1979-August 25, 2001)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Brett Favre Knew Exactly What He Was Doing

If I was Tarvaris Jackson, I would be SOOOOO pissed! He had the chance to be the starting quarterback for the Minnesota Vikings but guess who decided to come out of retirement...AGAIN!!!

Brett Favre, who turns 40 this year, signed a 1-year, $12 million deal & will probably start in the 2nd pre-season game tomorrow against the Kansas City Chiefs.

What makes me mad about this situation is that this is not the 1st time that he has done this, & every time he does, it is made out of a circus. The man has played for 18 seasons & had won a Superbowl or 2 in his time. But if you are willing to put up with his "mind-games", then you must really be desperate.

The Vikings rolled out the red carpet in their pursuit of Favre, & then he lied & said that he was gonna stay retired. He said it himself that he didn't wanna do all of the preparation for the season. So why do you think that he should be able to start if you don't work at it. I don't care if you have played 18 seasons or not. If you can't put in the work, then you shouldn't be still playing, even if someone is desperate enough to sign a 40-year old who didn't do it for the last dumb team who signed him (Hey NY Jets!!!!)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Blonde Hair Won't Get Reggie Back

If you have read any of my blog posts, you can pretty much figure out that I feel some kind of way about hair.

Whether it is being shaved off, permed, or whatever...I believe that your hair is your calling card & what you do to it shows your personality. I support all hair care choices, whether I agree with it or not.

That being said, I can add Kim Kardashian to the list of female celebs who are making drastic changes to their hair for attention in my opinion. Whether it is from the tabloids or a man, they are changing it up for someone else & not so much themselves.

I actually like the blonde hair on Kim K, but I can't help but think that she is doing this to get Reggie back or something. She has always been known as a brunette & this change conveniently comes after her break-up.

If she wants him back, she has 2 options like I said before:
1) Move to New Orleans -or- 2) Break Up

By the way...Khloe K (who I LOOOOOVE) is rumored to be dating Terrance J from 106&Park (AGGIE PRIDE!!!!!) & maybe even PREGNANT!!!!! They can be seen making out on her & Kortney's (who is also pregnant with Scott's baby) show "Kortney & Khloe Take Miami" on E!...OMG!!!!!

ABDC Recap: Artistry In Motion Got Robbed...

It seems like EVERY time that there is a decent all-female dance crew, they get eliminated when another crew should have.

Artistry In Motion falls into that category after being kicked off on Sunday. Donyelle Jones was a finalist on season 2 of "So You Think You Can Dance" and she is a great choreographer & the crew that she got together was the perfect blend of sexy & substance.

But somehow I think that just because they are all female, they had a disadvantage on the show whose 2nd & 3rd season winners were basically the same as Jabbawockeez. I hope that Massive Monkees will not win for that reason because they suck.

Most of the crews this season are boring in my opinion & did not do a good job with the Beyonce' challenge, especially Southern Movement. They are just a gimmick crew who should have went home the FIRST week. But my favorite crews are VOGUE EVOLUTION & RHYTHM CITY. Of course, V.E. WENT OFF with the Beyonce' challenge & Leyomi is the truth!!!!!!

By the way...Lil' Mama gets on my nerves!!!!!!

What Else Does This Man Have To Do????

Last week, Michael Vick signed a 1-year contract with the Philadelphia Eagles. He will be eligible to play in the final two preseason games as well as participate in team meetings and practices.

I had been hearing on ESPN that Vick was close to signing a deal with an NFL team, and all of the commentators said that it probably would not happen. Then as I was watching the Steelers vs. Cardinals rematch game, they announced that Vick had signed with the Eagles.

I have to admit that I was shocked because I was not sure that it would happen either. I applaud the Eagles though, for taking a chance on him and at least seeing how it will turn out. However, it was almost immediate that people starting putting their 2 cents into the situation.

My opinion is simple: HE DID HIS TIME, SO LET HIM PLAY!!!!! Football is his way of life, the way that he makes a living. He spent almost 2 YEARS in jail, sitting and thinking about what he had done. He did not make any money at all and he is entitled to make money for his family (what EVERY man is supposed to do).

I do not know what else people want him to do. He is working with PETA and other animal groups and has shown remorse for the most part. I still cannot believe that people think that he should not play & that they are trippin' off of some dogs. I know that dog fighting is technically against the law, but it is not like he killed hundreds of people. Ben Rothlisberger was accused of rape and it was not like he faced charges, but the critisicm and coverage of it pailed in comparison. Also, when Manny Ramirez violated the MLB Substance Abuse Policy and was given a 50-game suspension, he was still able to work out & even play baseball for minor league teams!!!

I know that the first game that he plays in is going to be crazy and people are going to be heckling him, but if the Commissioner thinks he can play, then he should.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

RHOA (S2 E2): Let's Go Make Babies

I know that I am a whole week behind & the new episode comes on tonight, but there were a few moments in the last episode that I wanted to speak on...
...but did you see my girl NeNe on "Watch What Happens Live", the after-show to RHOA??? She had me rolling on there, answering questions & taking calls from viewers. The funniest moment came @ the end when NeNe said something about Kim & she actually called in to confront NeNe!!! MUST- SEE TV!!!
First of all...LOL @ NeNe for planning an "intervention" with Sheree for Kim. I think that she had good intentions as far as to clear the air but she should have known that it would...more than likely...turn into a screaming match (I mean it is Kim & Sheree we are talking about).

Sheree seems to have found a new "friend" aka "I hang with Sheree to be on tv". I didn't catch her name but I know that she is going to start mess with my girl NeNe & she is gonna have to put her in her place (clonk).

Lisa & Ed are trying to have another baby, & she seems to think that she needs fertility treatments because she is 36 & the risk of complications are increased. My mama had a baby @ 40+ ;) (don't tell her I said that LOL) & my sister is just fine. Ed is young & I think that if they "get to gettin'", which I will discuss that in just a minute, they will be just fine.

Why does Kim have a personal assistant & designer??? Where is she going & what is she doing so extensive that she needs an assistant? I didn't know you needed a personal assistant to spend someone else's money...Meanwhile, Kandi looks @ the blog circuit (What's up girl???) & reads rumors about her relationship. She becomes upset when someone suggests that she bought her own engagement ring, which isn't too far-fetched considering her fiance' A.J. (as if that is his real name) has 6 KIDS (Count 'em...1-2-3-4-5-6!!!!!!) & apparently 6 child support payments.

Sheree' goes to the gun range with that friend I mentioned earlier. She says that she needs to protect herself because she lives alone in the woods. She does suprisingly well, & managed to strike the stomach & lungs area. Her "friend" supplies the phrase "Aint nothin' like a bitch wit' a gun" & Sheree laughs...NO COMMENT!!! Actually, I will: How are you gonna let your "friend" call you a BITCH to your face on national television & you LAUGH?!?!? No futher comment...

NeNe meets up with Kim, who I LOOOOOVE by the way, & I think that they are great together as friends. She also meets with Kim to reconcile some of the drama between them & convince her to attend the dinner to address that drama in this "love triangle". Kim agrees as long as Lisa is not present, because she is obviously still mad that Lisa called her out on her lie @ the reunion last season. NeNe makes a good point that Kim acted like she could not be friends & hang with the both of them.

Kandi goes to get her hair done before going to her mother's house, who adamantly disagrees with her engagement. Of course, she is just being a mom, but Kandi's aunts take her side & say that she must live her own life. And that is the extent of her time on the show. I still say that she is kinda BORING!!! But the song that she was writing..."It Must Be Good"...was HOT!!!! & Jazzy Phae makes a random appearance in the studio.

Lisa & Ed go to the fertility center & speak to a doctor about the pros & cons of having a baby at a certain age. I still say that they will be fine, & the more that they worry about it, the more possible it will become. Later on that night, Ed cooks dinner for her, & not just any dinner...

...a CANDLELIGHT dinner surrounded by rose petals, followed by a massage, & then a BUBBLEBATH...I wish I knew what THAT felt like :(

Then, we get to the "intervention" dinner, in which NeNe & Sheree (mostly Sheree) gang up on Kim. But it is not like she doesn't deserve it because she talked about both of them to the other...Come to think of it, they ALL did but I am in NeNe's corner so you know how that goes. They procede to act a fool in the VERY nice restaurant where Kim says Sheree has "no class", which seems to be her go-to insult. They bothe call each other all kinds of bitches & Kim tries to leave. Sheree follows, saying that she is gonna "beat her ass".

Next episode (which come on in like 30 mins):

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

R.I.P. Naomi Sims

I know that I am late, but I just wanted to send condolences to the family & friends of Naomi Sims, the 1st black supermodel.

What this woman did in the 60's changed the fashion industry & made it possible for Tyra Banks, Naomi Campbell, & all of the other black models past & present.

In addition to her modeling success, she was also a businesswoman who created a wig line in 1976 & cosmetics line in 1986. She tried to help African-American women with advice about beauty, health and career by writing several books.

She was a great example of fighting for what you believe in and making the moves necessary for change. She will be greatly missed.

R.I.P. Naomi Ruth Sims (March 30, 1948 - August 1, 2009)

Monday, August 3, 2009

My Perm Is Strictly For Maintenance Purposes

I just saw the trailer (below) to the new movie "Good Hair", in which Chris Rock searches for the real definition of the term. It should brings about a much needed discussion about the way that black women style their hair & that hair is a black woman's "crowning glory".

I have a lot of friends who have natural hair & also who have perms. In my opinion, I prefer to get my hair permed. It is not because I have been impacted by society's views or is just for simple maintenance.

If I go to the salon & get a perm & roller-set, it is easier for me to take care of my hair on a day-to-day basis if it is easy to comb through. I am not a beautician by any means, but I can at least flat-iron my hair or something in order for it to be presentable.

Now I know that there are ways to keep your hair up if it is natural & there are people who specialize in styling natural hair, but I just think that it is better for me to get a perm because it is easier to manage for me. I have friends who have cut off their hair or stopped getting perms to grow their hair out, and hey, MORE POWER TO THEM. However, in my personal opinion, I think that it is easier to maintain your hair when you have a perm. I always know whenever I need one because it is harder to comb, & it doesn't help that I am tenderheaded.

Friday, July 31, 2009

RHOA (S2 E1):What Ever Happened To Community Service?!?!?

Thursday was the premeire of Season 2 of the Real Housewives of Altanta & it was GREAT!!! This season is gonna be sooooo much better thatn the 1st. I do miss Deshawn though, but NeNe will be enough for me for now.

First thing that happened was NeNe moved into a new home, and Dwight came over to "decorate". They went through their usual antics, which included Dwight seductively popping the cork of a champagne bottle. These two will have me rolling all season...I can see it now & I bet you he gets a spin-off by the end of it.

Kim goes to see her psychic, Rose, and I immedaitely check out becasue she is so uninteresting. Apparently, she & "Big Papa" have split up (if they were ever together in the 1st place) & she has nothing better to do but talk about NeNe & Lisa, who both almost beat her ass @ last season's reunion. Anyways, Rose tells her that she is going to starting some business venture to make her own money, as in starting a wig line &, dare I say it, SINGING!

Sheree moves into a new home as well, apparently after her old one was forclosed because her ex-husband did not pay her morgage like he is supposed to. But her divorce is final & she starts throwing an "independence party" for herself. How low is your self-esteem when you have to throw all these parties for yourself for no reason??? However, she hires a party-planner named Anthony to iron out the details.

We finally meet Kandi, the Grammy-winnning singer/songwriter from Xscape, who I think is only on the show because her Tiny has a show, but that's just my opinion. She is working a a few things, like a solo album & getting married to a man with 6 KIDS!!!! I think that it is gonna take me a few episodes to get used to her.

Later in the episode, the ladies go to Niecy Nash's birthday party and discuss Kim's gossiping about them (saying that NeNe's husband, Greg, was broke, & saying Lisa had a criminal record). Kim leaves the party early, probably to keep from being confronted by the rest of the cast.

In order to start her wig line, Kim goes to beauty school for a day to learn about hair. She becomes bored easily:

“Thirty seconds into it, I’m already on another planet. I’m already thinking what I’m eating for lunch and what I’m doing for dinner. Classrooms are terrible.”

...& she wonders why no one takes her seriously. Her line is gonna be the She by Sheree of wig lines (How do you have a clothing line but know nothing about fabrics???).

NeNe agrees to meet with Sheree to "mend fences" after all that they have been through. They reconcile (for now) & Sheree even says that she appreciates NeNe for being there for her when she needed. Kandi also talks to her daughter, Riley, about the changes that will come with her marriage to A.J. & she is not cool with the idea of having 6 brand new brothers & sisters (I don't blame her).

At the end of the episode, Sheree has an altercation with her party planner, Anthony, after he is reluctant to take her phone calls or suggestions. I will take Sheree's side in this one, because she is the client & is paying him (with what money???) to plan her party & she should have imput on every decision. When she gets to his office & meets with him, the converstion quickly turns into confrontation, as Anthony is rude & claims that she should just let him do his job. They exchange words which include a "yo mama" (who does that anymore???) from Anthony, & as far as I am concerned, he just committed career suicide because no one is gonna want to hire him if he is throwing out insults like that.

Next week on RHOA: Sheree & NeNe confront Kim, & that (fake) friendship seems to be out the door.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I am SOOOOO happy that Whitney Houston is making a comeback...4 real this time!!!!! She looks FABULOUS on her album cover & I am glad that she was able to get everything back on track.

She is one of the greatest singers EVER & I think that it is great that she is able to revive her career. It seems like when you are as great & as successful as her, it is almost inevitable that you have some sort of meltdown, and Whitney is NO exception. With the failed marriage to Bobby Brown to the drug addiction, she has had her ups & downs, but if anybody can come back & be better than's her. She obviously has the fire still inside of her & judging by her single, the pipes are still there too.

I can't wait until September 1st when her cd, I Look To You, comes out, & I will probably write a review on my page (The Scene) in the award-winning A&T Register this fall. She look FABULOUS on the cover & I am sure that it will be a success. Her first single of the same name sounds like classic Whitney, & a voice like that could not be matched, even with the drugs. I am glad that she was able to go to rehab & make all of the necessary changes for this comeback to be possible.

Reggie Leaving Kim K Will Help His Career...Romo leaving Jessica Simpson...not so much!!!

I happen to like Jessica, & I think that it was unfair for all of the Cowboys fans to blame her for Tony's lackluster performance on the field. If you think that Romo was playing bad on the field when he was in a relationship, imagine how horrible he will play no that he is not getting any (@ least not from his girlfriend)? Would you rather have someone who has a girlfriend or someone who has a different girl every night? Neither instance will detour the "distractions" that are reportedly in that locker room :(

Let me be the 1st to admit that I was HAPPY to find out that Kim Kardashian & Reggie Bush had broken up. It is not that I do not like her, because I watch "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" but I think that I support Khloe more so than Kim (that chick is AWESOME).

Reportedly, Reggie wasn’t trying to be Mr Kim Kardashian. She always wanted to be in front of the cameras, and had to live her life out in the public for everyone to see. He wanted some privacy, and he knew he’d never have that with Kim.

First of all, if you would do something on the field then you wouldn't have to be known as "Mr. Kim K". Maybe if you would act like you are worth the Heisman Trophy that you have, you would average more than 3.8 yards a carry. I will defend Kim in this instance, because she is older than he & probably wants to get married (again) & he doesn't right now.

By the way, he probably wasn't trying to "wife up" the girl who is the star in ANOTHER man's sex tape...SMH!!! (Shout out to Ray-J :) )

For someone who is famous for being Paris Hilton's friend or for a sex tape or for having a BIG (fake) BUTT & does not have any noticeable talent (did you see that ATROCITY on DWTS...Is she even a star??? Sorry but I can do ALL DAY on Kim K), she let a "career" get in the way & is letting that sexy chocolate man get away from her. But if she did want him to be her husband, she had to compromise with him & move to New Orleans, where he plays. If your relationship cannot survive the long distance, then you have two options:
1) Move to New Orleans
2) Break Up
...& it looks like the chose the latter. CALL ME REGGIE!!!!! lol (seriously)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Tiny Needs to Get From Under T.I. While She Has The Chance

I found myself watching an episode of Tiny & Toya where Tiny was dealing with the effects of T.I.'s imprisonment & I have to admit, I shed a little tear when I saw her emotions when talking about it.

She spoke about wanting to work on her music again, but was worried about T.I. getting upset. Apparently, she is well taken care of & he has "insisted" (more like demanded) her to not work. I guess he said that he didn't want her to work b/c "she is his woman".

First of all, an engagement ring is NOT a wedding ring. He is not her husband & has no right to make demand of her like that. She said it herself; she was well off before she met him & she obviously has some songwriting and singing talent left.

Secondly, he is in JAIL...not on tour or in the studio. He should have thought about her & the family before he went & bought illegal machine guns & silencers (for whatever reason).

My friend Namon gave some interesting insight into the Tiny situation on his FB status:
I wish people would quit hatting on Tiny. Especially females...Cuz she does things alot of females, especially black females fail to do nowadays: That's Hold Her Man TiP down.

That made me think about my feelings of Tiny for a minute. She does stand by her man no matter what, but at what cost??? I don't think that it is fair to her to keep from doing something that she loves to do & has a passion for on account of her man (not HUSBAND). If he really cared about her, he would allow her to pursue whatever she wanted, even if she didn't need to. If she says that she wants to get from under the stereotype of being a "hip-hop" girlfriend, then she has to make her own name.