Last night, NBC aired an episode of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit that was supposedly depicting the 2009 incident between Chris Brown and Rihanna. This was by far the WORST episode of SVU...EVER!!!!!
As a SVU fan and a frequent viewer of marathons on USA, I know that they usually take stories straight from the headline but this was a little TOO far.
This episode came on not long after Chris Brown confirmed that he and Rihanna are back together. They even put a disclaimer at the beginning to say that it "does not depict any actual person or event" but who were they trying to fool? It's like the SVU writers didn't even try to bring anything new to the story or try NOT to make it look obvious.
First of all, they played the MESS out of Chris Brown with this "Caleb Bryant" character. From his public apology video to the tattoo he got of Rihanna's face; they didn't even bother to change the character's initials ("CB"). They even made the connection between witnessing his mother being abused and I don't even think that was fair.
Munch even made a comment that this couple "should go on a double date with Chris Brown and Rihanna". There were so many BLATANT connections to Chris Brown and Rihanna that it made NO sense:
- Misha was an "island girl" from Bermuda; Rihanna is from Barbados...they couldn't even pick another island that didn't start with a "B" (Jamaica was available)
- Misha was close to her grandmother; Rihanna lost her grandmother last year
- There was a Jay-Z like character that discovered her; he was killed in the episode by Bryant
There were a MILLION ways that you could have recreated the incident without being so obvious. I don't know if NBC and the SVU writers were trying to send Rihanna fans a message or one directly to her about what might happen to her, they should have just had the Misha character LEAVE him or let her become happy without him.
She could have gotten the courage to leave him, she could have defended herself and killed him when he attacked her on the boat or hit him over the head with a bottle or SOMETHING...they didn't have to KILL her!
Even with killing her, it doesn't help the situation because it could be looked at as foreshadowing and I don't think it's fair to assume that Chris Brown is going to kill Rihanna. This will bring even MORE unnecessary scrutiny to their relationship. This incident was 4 years ago and it's obvious that the two have gotten over it. They are both grown and can make their own decisions about their personal lives.
If I were Chris Brown, I would complain that the episode is defamatory to him because it implies that he will eventually kill Rihanna. If he really is working on himself and his relationship with Rihanna, this episode certainly didn't help.
Watch the episode below: