
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Why I Don't Like Kim Kardashian

Last month, I read an article on about how black women should stop hating on Kim Kardashian. Demetria L. Lucas wrote that we as black women shouldn't hate her just because she makes the kind of money that we can't & has dated the guys that we want. Well EXCUSE ME Ms. Lucas...I didn't know that I had to like her or kiss her ass because she's a celebrity.

I'm NOT going to use the word "hate" because I don't know her personally but I STRONGLY dislike her. It has NOTHING to do with race or her dating FINE black guys like Reggie Bush (I honestly think that she took some of his sexy away when they broke up but that is just my personal opinion).

I don't expect her to be an honorary black woman or give back to the black community just because she dates black men. I just honestly think that if she were black, she'd be LESS famous. Take a look at people like Superhead: yeah she sold a couple books based off her life as a groupie but didn't flip it into a career like Kim K did w/ her sextape (btw KUDOS to her mom-a-ger Kris Jenner, who is already at work spinning this divorce).

I'm tired of our culture idolizing celebrities for NOTHING. These reality shows follow the lives of REGULAR people and then they become BIG stars (i.e. Jersey Shore). I guess I am a little salty that a woman with NO college education...NO real TALENT...& NO morals apparently can get THIS famous.

Everyone is talking about her filing for divorce like it's BREAKING NEWS...when I heard about it, I was like "DUH! Did you not see this coming??? They don't even LIKE each other. It's funny that she's asking for privacy after filing for a divorce, when the whole thing will probably be covered on the next season of Kourtney and Kim Take New York. 

Here are just a few reasons why I don't like her:
  1. She is famous for NO REASON- She may get paid BIG bucks to be a "host" for parties or to "endorse" products, but let's face the facts: she has NO real talent to speak of. She got famous off of a SEX TAPE!!!!! No matter how much she wants us to forget about that incident with Ray J or how much she denied her part in its release, she is still known first and foremost for this. 
  2. She does EVERYTHING for publicity- If a family reality show weren't enough, EVERY personal moment in her life has been put on TV. When her & her sisters open a's on TV! When she went through the ordeal w/ the was on TV! Even her "engagement" and "wedding" (& I use those words LOOSELY) were both shot for the reality show. Some things are just meant to be PRIVATE (-_-)
  3. She's ALL ABOUT MONEY- Yes, I admit that she is a business woman that has made MILLIONS for herself over the years but my thing is this: There is a such thing as a "grind" or "hustle" but that's different from being a fame whore. 
  4. She comes off as FAKE- I don't care if she X-rayed her butt to prove it's real...She doesn't seem like the kind of person that I would hang out with...& I get along with pretty much ANYBODY! I've seen the way that she acts on her show & it's just AGGRAVATING. 
  5. She wants what EVERYONE else has- I used to think that she wanted to have a wedding and get married just to say she did...but I think that's BS now. I feel like she wants what everyone around her has. First, her sister Khloe gets married to an NBA player (Lamar Odom), then her friend Lala married an NBA player (Carmelo Anthony) and she felt like she could do the same.
Here is the link to a video from this CW show "H8R", where Kim confronts a black woman who is hating on her (skip to around 26:47). While I don't agree 100% with the lady, I think it's funny that Kim put on that "fake" attitude and tried to put it on the Armenian culture (I wonder how much MONEY she made off of this SMH):


Keishla said...

Bestie, I enjoyed reading your blog. You sure did take the way I feel about that woman straight out of my cranium. She is a talent less woman, whose only claim to fame was that sex tape with Ray J. Keep doing your thing and I'm going to be behind you 100 percent. Love You Keish

Alexis M. said...

You're Blog shares the sentiments and widely felt sustain for Kim K. I think her life is not her own. Whether figuratively or literally it feels like she sold her soul to the devil except she's not getting anything she was promised for doing so. I think she feels she can buy or stage what her sisters have. The thing is...what they have is real life. It's genuine even if I don't like kourtney I do feel she loves Scott and mason and the same for khloe. I think Kim is searching for peace and happiness by buying it. It's sad. I hope she gets help, a reality check, and a slice of humble pie.
You're post is dead on, except Kim actually did go to college, she's the only kardashian who did. Other than that.... Kim K's fairy tale life is really one of unfortunate superficiality.

Kayla said...

Kourtney went to college also. I don't mind Kim, I actually really like her. She's making her money & being successful & I can't knock her for that. Shes getting exactly what she wants which is to be talked about, & this blog entry is only adding to that Love her or hate her we're still taking time out of our day to talk about her & she doesnt even know or care that we exist. Sadly for her though, she very well may end up being unhappy and alone because she puts her career before all else. Maybe one days she'll slow down & see what's important in life

LaPorsha Lowry said...

My definition of "college education" is having a degree. I did research prior to posting and I did not find any evidence of her having a degree or even attending college...I use my blog to comment on pop culture & this is just the topic of the moment so I wrote my opinion on it...That being said...THANKS to everyone for reading :-)

Anonymous said...

Just came accross this topic. I dislike her because she is selfish. I mean VERY SELFISH.